Long Distance Series

Fleet results scoring best 4 of 6 finishes
SxPl Boat NamePnts010203040506
F11 Caliente 23,200   11
J91 Yukon4,7211  2 1
J92 Kahuna3,200   11
S41 Tenacity6,242141224
S62 Za Zen5,8898  111
S43 Esprit d’Écosse5,482125245
S44 Gaucho5,3427  542
S45 Unknown Lady25,338336  6
S46 Its Good5,271 2476
S47 dnf44,628 86 86
S48 Nirvana3,3389  68
S49 Alpha Puppy3,044 13
S610 Cahoots2,888   33
S611 whisper1,5212
S412 Whisper1,444     3
S613 Wave Dancer1,3694
S614 Exeter1,2965
S415 Heart Throb1,2256
S616 A Fine Mess1,089 8
S616 Shoe String1,089 8
S418 Tide the Knot96110
S419 Serenity90011

   + indicates a tie
   * indicates committee boat
Last updated 06-Sep-14